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PBS RenoBenise wrote a Children's Book?! | JOYful Moments featuring Benise

In this JOYful Moment, Joy reads a story with Benise! Benise is a musician known for his Spanish guitar music. He also wrote this book, Wish Upon a Rock Star. 

About JOYful Moments


Join PBS Reno’s Director of Education Joy Foremaster for JOYful Moments! In each video, Joy demonstrates a fun and entertaining activity for you to enjoy with your family. From drawing PBS Kids characters, to crafting a gift for a friend, to launching a paper rocket, there are so many fun things you can do.  All the activities can be found on  and Joy will take you step by step through the process. So come along! I’ve got a JOYful Moment to share with you.

Meet The Host

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JOYful Moments is hosted by Joy Foremaster. Joy is the Director of Education at PBS Reno.  She is a graduate from the University of Nevada, Reno where she dual majored in Human Development & Family Studies, as well as, Early Childhood Education.  She has been a part of the PBS Reno team for more than 10 years and enjoys all the work they do serving the families and kids of their community.  JOYful Moments is just another way she shares her love of PBS resources with you!

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PBS RenoDIY Race Car using Energy!!! | Spool Racer | JOYful Moments
PBS RenoWhat's Inside Our Bones? 🦴 | JOYful Moments                                                                             
PBS RenoWhen you build a structure with cards, that's Engineering! | JOYful Moments