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Watch every Sunday at 6:30 PM on PBS Reno.
Rebecca Cronon came to PBS Reno in 2014 after graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism from the Reynolds School of Journalism. Rebecca has nearly 20 years of experience working in television, having started her career at KOLO-TV in Reno in 2004. She started working on ARTEFFECTS in 2016 during Season One; Will Durham’s “Neon Museum” as her first segment.
Rebecca often finds ARTEFFECTS subjects by word of mouth; each artist she meets provides several recommendations, and many come to fruition. She looks for certain characteristics that will translate well on screen: personality, artistic ability, and a good story.
“When I meet someone who is confident about their art, or if they have a story to tell that would involve some sort of struggle they’ve overcome, I feel our audience can relate to that in their own way,” said Cronon.
While working on ARTEFFECTS, she has learned how much experience it takes an artist to make their craft look easy and she is reminded that it’s never too late to pursue a passion.
“You learn about their process. They’re opening up their world to us, and they’re allowing themselves to be vulnerable. I like learning what an artist has gone through because I think it makes a good story; personally, I am inspired by anyone who has overcome and succeeded in their life; whether through art or otherwise.”
With every project, Rebecca says she delights in the challenge to condense hours of footage into a relatively shorter segment. She tries to “put the puzzle together” in a way that the will allow the viewer to feel the same connection she experienced with the artist.
In her spare time, Rebecca loves spending time with her two kids, taking them to community events, spending time outdoors, or relaxing at home. She serves as a volunteer with TIP of Northern Nevada, a nonprofit organization whose team of volunteers responds to people in the community who have just lost a loved one, and provides them with emotional and practical support as they interact with first responders.
Producer's Award-Winning Features:
Guinivere Clark began working at PBS Reno as an intern during her senior year of high school and was asked to join the team part-time when she started college. After graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno, she became a Content Creator full-time at the station. She began working on ARTEFFECTS during season three and created “Soap Art” as her first segment. When creating a new segment, Guin says she often enjoys strange, theatrical projects that don’t fit the “fine arts” mold.
Guin first finds an artist that “sparks something” within her and reaches out for a pre-interview to get an idea of who they are and what story she can tell about their work. Once she meets with an artist in-person, she gathers as much footage and photos as possible to best tell their story.
“I try to pull emotion from them during an interview because I like it when their personality shines through,” says Guin. “If they ever laugh or giggle during an interview, I’ll do my best to throw that in somewhere.”
Her favorite part of working on ARTEFFECTS is getting immersed into each artist and artform she encounters. Guin finds that each artist is passionate and knowledgeable about their craft, and that passion usually radiates out from them. She says that after spending so much time diving into an artist and their artform she feels inspired by their passion. “That’s the feeling that I try to translate into each ARTEFFECTS segment that I work on. Feeling that deep passion for a beautiful craft is my favorite part.”
Guin says working on ARTEFFECTS has opened her eyes to the Reno art scene.
“There’s just so much art out here and it’s just amazing. Now that I’ve been working on it for a while, it’s like everywhere I look I can identify an artist.”
She adds that there is still plenty of art to be discovered and that the ARTEFFECTS team is excited to plan the upcoming season of new stories.
Guin loves using the camera in and outside of PBS Reno. She enjoys taking photographs of nature. You can frequently see her at events around Reno with a DSLR Camera at her side. Guin also enjoys playing videogames, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and spending time at home with her dog.
Producer's Award-Winning Features:
Watch every Sunday at 6:30 PM on PBS Reno.
Watch more ARTEFFECTS episodes online.
A Segment will be posted every Wednesday at 10AM.
Anytime and anywhere!
This episode features the host and producers of ARTEFFECTS as they discuss the series.