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Planned Giving and Estate Gifts


Seeds of all shapes and sizes grow into a bountiful garden. Just like these seeds, gifts to PBS Reno sprout and stimulate the minds of students of all ages, encourage learning, and create our community's future leaders.

There is so much more to achieve for our community! PBS Reno's vision is to provide trustworthy and accessible quality content and educational services to current and future generations. We need your help to bring this to fruition.

Create a gift that will make a difference in lives and impact the world you live in for generations to come.*

THE JOAN AND WILLIAM BRADLEY LEGACY SOCIETY recognizes donors who have included PBS Reno in their estate plans. If you have provided for PBS Reno in your plan, we invite you to join the Legacy Society.


Robin Mercer, Development Officer or 775.600.0549

Emma Glenn, Vice President of Development or 775.600.0544

1670 N. Virginia Street, Reno, NV 89503

Federal Tax ID: 88-0172215

Gifts that Cost You Nothing Now

Bequest Designation in Wills & Trusts

Including PBS Reno in your will or living trust is a wonderful way to ensure that your values and wishes endure. Bequests cost you nothing now, but it gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you are giving to the station and helping to ensure that future generations will have access to public television. Charitable bequests may also lower estate and inheritance taxes.

Beneficiary Designation

It’s one of the easiest ways to make a planned gift. Consider naming PBS Reno as your beneficiary on taxable assets like your retirement of bank account. You ae able to continue taking distributions or making withdrawals during your lifetime. It’s flexible – in case you change your mind or a loved one needs your financial support.

Life Insurance

By thoughtfully giving outright and complete ownership of a partially or fully paid life insurance policy, you are able to claim an immediate tax deduction. Another easy option for giving your life insurance benefit to PBS Reno is to name the station as a primary or contingent beneficiary of your new or existing policy.

Gifts to Reduce Your Taxes

Retirement Assets

Naming PBS Reno as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) and/or 403(b), you will be assured that every dollar will be used for charitable purposes and shielded from income or estate taxes. Then, you can work with your advisor(s) to identify other assets that are more favorably taxed when left to your loved ones.


Stocks & Other Appreciated Securities

Save on capital gains through transferring of your appreciated securities to PBS Reno. If the asset has gained more value from what yoiu paid for it over a year ago, you will be able to claim the full benefit of the stock's current fair market value. You can also avoid capital gains tax when you choose to donate, as opposed to selling this appreciated stock.

Other Ways to Give Planned Gifts

Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-advised funds provide flexibility and convenience. These funds are a great way to bundle your charitable giving and maximize your itemized deductions. Avoid capital gains by transferring appreciated stock to your fund and donating it to PBS Reno. All it takes is a grant recommendation from your donor-advised fund.

Real Estate or Other Real Property

A gift of real estate or other real property can include personal residences, vacation homes, rental property, and farmland. Through a gift of real property, it is perhaps possible for you to make a much larger gift than you thought, avoid income and estate taxes, and minimize or eliminate burdens on your loved ones.


Join the Joan & William Bradley Legacy Society!

* Please be sure to consult with a qualified professional advisor or attorney for appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding PBS Reno. 

The information provided on this website does not and in not intended to constitute tax or legal advice applicable to your specific situation.