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Why Volunteer at PBS Reno?


PBS Reno depends on support from the community. Volunteers are truly the backbone of any non-profit. At PBS Reno, we are blessed to have an amazing group of dedicated volunteers. We would love to have you join us! Training is provided for all positions.


Questions about volunteer opportunities?

Contact Info
Kris Perry, Volunteer Coordinator

1670 N Virginia St
Reno, NV 89503

Various Ways to Volunteer


PBS Reno utilizes volunteers as Camera Operators in the studio during live and recorded tapings. Our very talented staff provide the specific training required to be a Production Volunteer.


PBS Reno uses Clerical/Office Volunteers to assist with a number of vital activities, including special mailings, data entry, filing and special projects. No professional clerical experience is necessary.

Education Support

PBS Reno Curiosity Classroom workshops help prepare children for success. Education Support Volunteers assist in creating and maintaining education workshop kits and other projects. 


PBS Reno sponsors and participates in events throughout the year. Event Volunteer roles may include set-up, greeting guests, and — if willing — costume character actors and guides. 


Specially trained volunteers take PBS members and community groups on tours of the station. Docents are given a script and receive special training that includes practice tours. Docents always work in pairs. 

Pledge Phone Bank

Phone Bank Groups are utilized during live pledge events. They are comprised of volunteers representing local organizations that answer donation calls and perform simple data entry on-air.


Charitable giving is the life-blood of Public Television.  Volunteers assist PBS Reno by writing thank you notes to donors and assisting with special projects.


A Word from Our Volunteers

"PBS Reno is an outstanding organization. After many years of watching so many quality PBS shows it is an honor to be a docent and show people the many things we do.  And as a Production volunteer, whether running a camera or being a floor director the staff make me feel like part of the team during the pledge night fundraising programs." - Mark

“For me, volunteering for PBS Reno is one of my favorite things to do. There is such a variety of volunteer opportunities that all contribute to enabling PBS Reno to continue its exceptional efforts to produce high quality programming and provide educational support for students in our region." - Mary