NEXTGEN TV is the next evolution of broadcast technology. NEXTGEN TV improves efficiency of broadcast and expands our reach in rural and crowded urban areas. With NEXTGEN TV, we can deliver information faster and to more screens than ever before.
For over 40 years, we've served our community with life-changing television and services. Learn more below about NEXTGEN TV and PBS Reno's industry-leading innovation.
Have questions about NEXTGEN TV? We have answers.
NEXTGEN TV is the new broadcast standard which provides greatly enhanced viewing, sound and connections with stations. The federal government expects this to become the new standard for over-the-air broadcasts in the future. It is already the standard in Japan, Korea, Brazil and other countries and the United States wants to remain competitive.
Why was NEXTGEN TV developed?
Our current digital broadcast technology was developed in the 1990s, bringing high-definition video services, surround sound audio and wide-screen format viewing to new audiences. Unfortunately, the current system largely relies on 1990s technology and is becoming outdated.
NEXTGEN TV is based on Internet Protocol (IP) technology. IP allows for a television viewing environment similar to computers, tablets and smartphones. Using IP technology also leaves room for innovation and future changes. NEXTGEN TV is a very adaptable system designed to respond to future technological changes.
Who will benefit from NEXTGEN TV?
Viewers who rely on over-the-air reception of television signals through an antenna will benefit from this new technology. Additionally, if viewers have a NEXTGEN TV-enabled television that is connected to the Internet, they can uncover a whole new suite of applications to improve their viewing experience.
Do I have to buy a new TV?
It depends. If you have purchased a new TV in the last couple of years, check the owner’s manual to see if it is NEXTGEN TV ready. If not, you will need to purchase a new set or a converter box-similar to the converter boxes that were sold during the transition from analog to digital television in the early 2000s. If you have a newer set, you will need to re-scan in order to receive our NEXTGEN TV signal.
Can my existing TV receive NEXTGEN TV?
Only TVs with NEXTGEN TV-enabled technology will be able to take advantage of this technology. Many TV manufacturers are including NEXTGEN TV technology in their new products. Some companies are also developing “set top boxes” to allow NEXTGEN TV to be used on older TV sets through a simple connection.
Explore compatible devices on watchnextgentv.com. >
I watch over cable. Do I get NEXTGEN TV over that?
No, the satellite companies do not have NEXTGEN TV capabilities.
I watch over satellite. Do I get NEXTGEN TV over that?
No, the satellite companies do not have NEXTGEN TV capabilities.
Do other Reno stations broadcast in the NEXTGEN TV format?
Yes, most do. They all continue to broadcast in the current format as well.
Will I get Sinclair programming on PBS Reno?
Absolutely not. Sinclair is providing space on their broadcast spectrum for our NEXTGEN TV signal. They have nothing to do with the programming on our channel.
Does this mean I will no longer be able to watch live over-the-air TV?
No, PBS Reno and all other broadcasters are required to continue providing current broadcast technologies. You can watch all four PBS Reno channels with an antenna.
Learn more about antennas and digital television on fcc.gov. >
Will PBS Reno programming be on Sinclair’s local channels?
Absolutely not. The programming on the channels is separate and does not mix. Sinclair is providing space on their broadcast spectrum for our NEXTGEN TV signal. They have nothing to do with the programming on our channel.
This sounds expensive. Are my PBS Reno dues going to pay for this?
Yes, it is expensive and no, your dues are not paying for this. PBS Reno received a one-time grant from the State of Nevada to pay for this transition. The grant is paying for the equipment, installation, and testing required to launch this service.
I’m not sure I understand. Can I get some more information or help with my TV?
Sure! You can contact our PBS Reno Technology Department during regular business hours Monday-Friday. You can also visit for more detailed information about NEXTGEN TV.
Have a question or comment about NEXTGEN TV on PBS Reno’s television channels? Use the contact information below to get in touch with us.
PBS Reno NEXTGEN TV contact:
Bryan Carr
VP of Technology
1670 North Virginia Street
Reno, Nevada 89503
Phone: 775-600-0535
Email: bcarr@pbsreno.org
For more NEXTGEN TV resources:
- NEXTGEN TV Official Website: watchnextgentv.com
- National Association of Broadcasters: nab.org/innovation/nextgentv.asp
- Corporation for Public Broadcasting: cpb.org/atsc3
- TitanTV, Inc. | AntennaWeb: antennaweb.org/nextgen-tv
- CNET.com: 5 Things You Should Know About Free Over-the-Air TV